Coin Master Magic Trail Event – The Ultimate Guide

Coin Master has launched a new event in November 2023! Magic trail. This is new to coin master players but an old event for pet master players. Let me clear this up! Moon Active’s second successful game, pet master launched this event way back; those who play pet master know exactly what this event is about.

Suppose you’re new to this event! and you want to know more about the magic trail, you’ve landed in the right place. This guide will cover all the basic knowledge a player needs to play magic trial!

So, read till the end to know what this side event is. But before we start, collect all the daily coin master free spins  and read all the coin master tips and tricks and coin master event guides that are shared on this blog.

Magic Trail: What is This?

coin master Magic-trail event

A magic trial is a side event that lasts for five days! In these five days, players can earn lots of rewards. The magic trail is about spinning wheels and collecting the trail tressure box, but to spin the wheel, the player requires tokens.

How to Play Magic Trail Event

As mentioned above, to play magic trial events players need tokens; now, tokens can be earned by other events or can be purchased; once tokens are collected, all you need to do is spin the wheel! There will be numbers in the wheel; numbers represent steps you take on the track; for example, if a player hits 15 on a wheel, Piggy will move 15 steps forward. Players must travel to the grand prize, which requires many tokens and luck.
To understand the gameplay, players need to know three things first. Wheel, track, and trail treasure box map.

The Wheel on The Magic Trail

Wheels contain numbers 1-250; as mentioned above, numbers are steps you take on track. With all these numbers, there is one more option called “bounce 5x.” when a player hits the 5x option, the game lets players spin the wheel five times for free.

Tracks on Magic Trial

Once you hit the numbers on the wheel, Piggy will move forward. Now, tracks also contain rewards like tokens, gems, and spins; for the first 300 – 400 steps, players get only tokens and gems, double points, and the trail tressure box; double points are the key to doubling your steps. For example, if you hit 15 on the wheel, Piggy will take 15 steps forward and stop at a double point. Now Piggy will take another bounce of 15 steps. Once you reach 300-400 steps, you’ll see spins up to 100-500, along with gems, tokens, and a trail treasure box.

Tracks will contain all these rewards, but to get them, players have to stop exactly on the particular tile that contains rewards; just passing on the track doesn’t give you any rewards; for example, the player hits ten on the wheel, now Piggy will move ten steps, on the 9th step there will be 500 spins rewards. Still, Piggy will stop at the 10th step; in this case, the player will not receive any rewards. If a player hits nine on the wheel and Piggy stops exactly on the 9th step, the players can get the rewards. This applies to every reward that is listed on the track. Even the trail treasure box that we’ll see next!

Trail Treasure Box Map

On the right side, there will be a map of a trail tressure box; players have to travel all the way to get the tressure box. Now, the treasure box contains ultimate rewards of 100- 1000 spins with xps and even more exciting rewards; players must travel until the grand prize to grab the ultimate prize of 30k spins. if a player fails to reach the grand prize they can still take all the prize they’ve earned.

What Are The Rewards We’ll Be Getting

As we mentioned, this event will last for five days, and on those five days, players can earn thousands of spins, cards, gems, etc.

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