Coin Master Joker Card – The Ultimate Guide

Every coin master player is desperate for rare cards, but some are desperate for Joker cards. But do you know how to get them? But how? If you have these questions on your mind, then buddy, you will get your answers today.

Cards in coin master are most valued by players. Because that is the only way for a player to get thousands of spins and coins, but completing a card set is not a child’s play.

No One will give you or trade rare cards, you know why! But there is a way by which you can get rare cards all by yourself! yes, the
The key to rare cards is the Joker card.

In this guide we will see how you get joker cards and how to use them, so without wasting your time let’s start😂✌️

What is the Coin Master Joker Card

coin master joker card

In simple words, a joker card is something that you can convert into any rare card. For example, if you’ve collected 4 out of 5 cards
to complete a card set. But the last card is a gold card. Now gold cards are super rare, but you have a joker card, now you have two options

  • Find that gold card or
  • Convert your Joker card to a gold card.

I hope you understand, what a is joker card and what it offers. You can convert a Joker card to any card you want. But the bullion coins question here

How to Get a Joker Card

You see, getting a joker is also a rare thing. But there is a tip in which you can get a joker card. Now, you can get a joker card in two ways,

  1. Special events
  2. Buying chest.

By now you’ll know what are special events and how to participate in them. Today we are not discussing special events. But there is a tip for buying chests in coin master.

How to convert a Joker card

coin master joker card

In every village, you can buy chests, but when you buy a chest in boom-level villages, chances are high to get rare items. Even Joker
card. But there are multiple chests in coin master and if you want rare items in it then you should be going for a premium chest.

I will give you a list of chests, in which you can decide which one you buy.

Chests Chance by %
Black Friday Royal Chest 20.00%
Cyber Crown Chest 7.14%
Big Circus Chest 6.60%
Foxy Chest 5.00%
Dragon Chest 5.00%
Carnival Chest 5.00%
Labor Day Party Chest 5.00%
Big Wild Chest 4.00%
Spring Surprise Chest 4.00%
Fireworks Chest 4.00%
Galaxy Gold Chest 4.00%
Golden Halloween Chest 4.00%
Gold Medal Chest 3.33%
Small Circus Chest 3.20%
Rhino Chest 3.20%
Labor Day Chest 3.20%
Tiger Chest 2.45%
Sunshine Chest 2.45%
Wild Chest 2.45%
Red Crown Chest 2.40%
Small Wild Chest 2.40%
Eighties Chest 2.40%
Cyber Monday Chest 2.40%
Fiesta Chest 2.40%
4th of July Chest 2.40%
Ancient Egypt Chest 1.80%
Sixties Chest 1.60%
Chinese New Year Chest 1.50%
Surprise Chest 1.50%
Halloween Spook Chest 1.50%
Golden Trunk Chest 1.25%
Lucky Silver Chest 1.25%
Lucky Gold Chest 1.00%
Purple Crystal Chest 1.00%
Travel Chest 1.00%
Big in Japan Chest 1.00%
Magical Map Chest 1.00%
Baseball Chest 1.00%
Enchanted Evil Chest 1.00%
Santa Stamp Chest 1.00%

once bought and got your Joker card (which is not easy) now it’s time to use it, but how?

Going back to the example I gave you earlier, now you want to convert the Joker card to a golden card. To do that, you have to click on the
card’s icon at the bottom of your screen, choose the golden card, and you’ll get a confirmation message just click yes on that, and then you’ll get a golden card.


Is it simple? Now it’s not. Getting a Joker card is not a joke. You have Saty longer on boom villages and have to buy multiple chests so that
you can Joker card on one of those chests. But once you get a joker just keep it, don’t use it until you need to.

If you have any questions regarding the joker card or coin master, you can contact us we’ll be happy to help you.